2 Corinthians
Paul resolves his conflict with the Corinthians by showing how the scandal of the crucifixion turns our value systems upside-down. He addressed problems in the Corinth church in 1 Corinthians, but many rejected his advice. This grieved Paul as he had spent a great deal of time with the Corinthian church. He followed up with a painful visit and then sent them 2 Corinthians, a letter that assured them he forgave and loved them. After reading the letter, many church members repented and embraced the letter's message. Essentially, it challenges believers to see life through the paradox of the cross. Because of the cross and God's Spirit, Jesus' followers receive power to live transformed lives. They become equipped to take up Jesus' cruciform life and make it their own. Through the cross and resurrection, believers may live differently and model the values God desires, including generosity, humility, and weakness.
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