![New Testament Overview](https://faithproject.io/public/media/img/thumbnails/nto.webp)
New Testament Overview
The New Testament is not its own separate story. It's a continuation of the story introduced in the Old Testament and a fulfillment of God's covenant promises introduced in the first part of the Bible. This video breaks down the literary design of the entire New Testament, from the arrival of Jesus to the fulfillment of God's restoration of his creation.
![Revelation 1-11](https://faithproject.io/public/media/img/thumbnails/rev1.webp)
Revelation 1-11
The book is not a secret code that allows believers to decipher the timeline of Jesus's return. It's a brilliant work of apocalyptic literature that shows how every human kingdom eventually becomes Babylon and must be resisted. Revelation prophecies that Jesus, the slain lamb who died for the sins of the world, will return one day as King to prompt repentance. Jesus will permanently remove evil and make all things new. This promise motivates every generation of God's people to remain faithful in the midst of persecution until their King returns.
![Revelation 12-22](https://faithproject.io/public/media/img/thumbnails/rev2.webp)
Revelation 12-22
The book is not a secret code that allows believers to decipher the timeline of Jesus's return. It's a brilliant work of apocalyptic literature that shows how every human kingdom eventually becomes Babylon and must be resisted. Revelation prophecies that Jesus, the slain lamb who died for the sins of the world, will return one day as King to prompt repentance. Jesus will permanently remove evil and make all things new. This promise motivates every generation of God's people to remain faithful in the midst of persecution until their King returns.
![Acts 1-12](https://faithproject.io/public/media/img/thumbnails/acts1.webp)
Acts 1-12
Jesus' followers received the Holy Spirit on Pentecost and became filled and equipped to spread the good news that would restore God's kingdom over the world. Through persecution, the believers were scattered. They continued to preach, and the church at Antioch was born. It grew into the first multiethnic, international church from which missionaries were sent throughout the world to preach about Jesus, the messianic Messiah and risen king of all nations. Paul even continued to preach despite imprisonment and wrote important letters to the churches.
![Acts 13-28](https://faithproject.io/public/media/img/thumbnails/acts2.webp)
Acts 13-28
Jesus' followers received the Holy Spirit on Pentecost and became filled and equipped to spread the good news that would restore God's kingdom over the world. Through persecution, the believers were scattered. They continued to preach, and the church at Antioch was born. It grew into the first multiethnic, international church from which missionaries were sent throughout the world to preach about Jesus, the messianic Messiah and risen king of all nations. Paul even continued to preach despite imprisonment and wrote important letters to the churches.
![1 Timothy](https://faithproject.io/public/media/img/thumbnails/tim1.webp)
1 Timothy
In this letter, Paul instructs Timothy on how to address corrupt leaders who are sharing false teachings in the church of Ephesus. This letter addresses leadership, relationships, and service. Paul makes clear that what a church believes will directly shape how its members live and behave. So the church's theology and beliefs must constantly be critiqued and formed by the Scriptures and good news about Jesus. The church should be known for its devotion to the risen King Jesus as it models integrity, good works, and serving the poor and most vulnerable.
![2 Timothy](https://faithproject.io/public/media/img/thumbnails/tim2.webp)
2 Timothy
2 Timothy is Paul's last letter. It was written as encouragement to Timothy, challenging him to fully accept his calling despite the suffering and hardship that come with this life. The letter also reminds Timothy to maintain faith and hope in Jesus' resurrection and raise faithful leaders who will teach the good news about Jesus. Paul tells Timothy that through following Jesus, believers will experience challenges, suffering, risk, tension, discomforts, and struggles. In those dark and difficult moments, Jesus' presence, love, and faithfulness can become tangible and real.
![1 Corinthians](https://faithproject.io/public/media/img/thumbnails/cor1.webp)
1 Corinthians
He reminds believers that the Church is not a popularity contest, followers of Jesus cannot compromise when it comes to sexual integrity, the core principle of worship gatherings is love for others, and the resurrection gives us a reason for unity, motivation to maintain sexual purity, ability to love other people more than ourselves and ultimate hope for victory over death. Our belief that Jesus was raised from the dead makes the gospel more than moral advice or a recipe for private spirituality. It opens a whole new reality for every area of our life.
![2 Corinthians](https://faithproject.io/public/media/img/thumbnails/cor2.webp)
2 Corinthians
Paul resolves his conflict with the Corinthians by showing how the scandal of the crucifixion turns our value systems upside-down. He addressed problems in the Corinth church in 1 Corinthians, but many rejected his advice. This grieved Paul as he had spent a great deal of time with the Corinthian church. He followed up with a painful visit and then sent them 2 Corinthians, a letter that assured them he forgave and loved them. After reading the letter, many church members repented and embraced the letter's message. Essentially, it challenges believers to see life through the paradox of the cross. Because of the cross and God's Spirit, Jesus' followers receive power to live transformed lives. They become equipped to take up Jesus' cruciform life and make it their own. Through the cross and resurrection, believers may live differently and model the values God desires, including generosity, humility, and weakness.
The book of Hebrews challenges believers to remain faithful to Jesus despite hardships and persecution by following the great models of faith from the Old Testament. Hebrews makes clear that Jesus is greater than any Old Testament event or person. He is the ultimate revelation of God's love and mercy, and he is worthy of our devotion.
![Matthew 1-13](https://faithproject.io/public/media/img/thumbnails/matthew1.webp)
Matthew 1-13
What is the Gospel of Matthew about in the Bible? Watch as we explain its major themes and gain a deeper understanding of its place in the biblical story.
![Matthew 14-28](https://faithproject.io/public/media/img/thumbnails/matthew2.webp)
Matthew 14-28
What is the Gospel of Matthew about in the Bible? Watch as we explain its major themes and gain a deeper understanding of its place in the biblical story.