Introduction to The Book Of Acts

Critical scholars generally agree that the Acts of the Apostles weren’t authored by Paul’s companion. Moreover, they note its theological agenda and question the historical accuracy of certain parts. Despite these considerations, our summary will focus on presenting the narrative content of Acts, reflecting its themes and progression.

Summary of the Book of Acts - The history of the early Christian church post-resurrection
Book Traditional Authorship Common Scholarly View Date Written Key Verse
Acts Luke Unknown Author C. 90 C.E. Acts 1:8 "You will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth."
Book 44: Acts
Acts of the Apostles narrates the early Christian community's development and spread, beginning with Jesus' ascension and focusing on the ministries of Peter and Paul. It describes the Pentecost, the growth of the church in Jerusalem, the conversion and missionary journeys of Paul, and his journey to Rome, emphasizing the spread of Christianity from Jerusalem to the Gentile world. (Read Acts now)

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