"And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."
--John 8:32

Follow our animated Videos of The Bible Series

The Satan and Demons

The Satan and Demons

Spiritual Beings

The storyline of the Bible presents a populated spiritual world full of creatures who are in rebellion against their Creator, just like humans. For lots of fascinating reasons, our modern conceptions of the Satan and demons are based on serious misunderstandings of the Bible. So let’s go back to the book of Genesis and start over as we learn about the powers of spiritual evil in the story of the Bible.

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Intro to Spiritual Beings

Intro to Spiritual Beings

Spiritual Beings

In the opening pages of the Bible, God creates two overlapping realms, the heavens and the earth. This is where the drama of the biblical storyline takes place. Many of us are familiar with the earthly drama. Humans are given a wonderful garden to rule on God’s behalf, but they lose access to this paradise because of a foolish rebellion. But the biblical authors want us to see another set of characters, the inhabitants of the heavenly realm who are also heavily involved in this earthly story.

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Intro to the Sermon on the Mount

Intro to the Sermon on the Mount

Book Collections

The Sermon on the Mount is a collection of Jesus' most famous teachings in the Bible. Learn about its meaning and purpose in this series introduction.

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Revelation 1-11

Revelation 1-11

New Testament Overviews

The book is not a secret code that allows believers to decipher the timeline of Jesus's return. It's a brilliant work of apocalyptic literature that shows how every human kingdom eventually becomes Babylon and must be resisted. Revelation prophecies that Jesus, the slain lamb who died for the sins of the world, will return one day as King to prompt repentance. Jesus will permanently remove evil and make all things new. This promise motivates every generation of God's people to remain faithful in the midst of persecution until their King returns.

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Tree of Life

Tree of Life

Biblical Themes

Learn about the theme of the Tree of Life from the beginning to the end of the Bible with our free animated video, script, study notes, and reflection questions.

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Book Collections

Mark is one of the earliest Gospel accounts and addresses the basic question of whether Jesus was the true Messiah for whom Israel had been waiting.

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The City

The City

Biblical Themes

Explore the theme of the city throughout the story of the Bible—from the first city built by Cain to the final garden city in the new creation.

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What Is the Bible?

What Is the Bible?

Intro to The Bible

While the Bible is one unified story, it cannot all be read in the same way. The How To Read the Bible series walks through each literary style found in the Bible and explains how each uniquely contributes to the overall story of Scripture. By understanding how the Bible was written, we can better understand what the Bible actually is.

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Biblical Themes

God is a generous god, but throughout the Bible, humans hoard God’s good gifts. In this video, we look at how to live by God’s generous example.

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Wealth and Worry

Wealth and Worry

Book Collections

Watch a short animated video that explains what Jesus means in Matthew 6:25-34 when he says not to worry, and discover the solution he offers.

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The Birth of Jesus: Luke 1-2

The Birth of Jesus: Luke 1-2

Book Collections

See how Jesus' birth into humble conditions and a family with low social status foreshadows the upside-down nature of Jesus’ Kingdom.

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New Testament Overview

New Testament Overview

New Testament Overviews

The New Testament is not its own separate story. It's a continuation of the story introduced in the Old Testament and a fulfillment of God's covenant promises introduced in the first part of the Bible. This video breaks down the literary design of the entire New Testament, from the arrival of Jesus to the fulfillment of God's restoration of his creation.

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The Last Will Be First

The Last Will Be First

Biblical Themes

Jesus is referred to as “the firstborn” throughout the New Testament, but what does this mean? This title communicates authority in the ancient world, as the firstborn sons received blessings and inheritance from their fathers. Most of the conflicts in the Bible stem from battles between siblings fighting over who gets the power. It’s all one big dysfunctional family feud. But Yahweh takes this cultural norm and turns it upside-down. He repeatedly blesses and anoints the second-born, or the latecomer, making clear that he is the one who grants authority. In the gospel accounts, the authors identify Jesus as the exalted Son who is given a place of firstborn authority over all creation. This is a revolutionary statement about Jesus’ identity, and Jesus himself claimed that God’s power was arriving on Earth through him—but it was power redefined. In Jesus’ Kingdom, the last are first, and true power is found through loving all people, even your enemies. Jesus’ early followers called him the firstborn among creation, seeing him as the ultimate heir in the family of God. And as his followers, we share in the great inheritance of Yahweh.

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Angels and Cherubim

Angels and Cherubim

Spiritual Beings

Did you know that angels in the Bible don’t have wings? Or that cherubim are not cute, chubby babies? In this video, we explore the biblical portrayals of angels and cherubim to understand just who they are and what role they play in the story of the Bible.

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Blessing and Curse

Blessing and Curse

Biblical Themes

"Blessing" is a religious-sounding word that we use a lot. We say “Bless you!” after a sneeze, or that we're “so blessed” when life is good. We may even use #blessed when posting a vacation photo. But what does blessing mean in the Bible? In this video, we trace the theme of blessing and curse in the Bible to see how Jesus defeats the curse and restores the blessing of life to creation.

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